Monday, June 23, 2008

Little Elbows

An update to Sarah's post from yesterday. A and I only had to spend about an hour today at the orthopedic specialist's office to confirm that yes, her elbow does indeed have a hairline fracture. That gives her the dubious distinction of being the first person in our immediate family to have broken a bone, at least that we know of... Funny that she broke her elbow falling on soft grass/plants in the woods, while each of us has had what looked like more serious falls or injuries over the years without a break...

As you can see by the following photo, she is happy with her new cast, and doesn't seem to have been in any pain since it was immobilized. Cast-off date is 3 weeks hence...


Anonymous said...

She looks quite happy with her new cast. Do you sign on casts in the States? If you do my name is A-N-D-R-E-S.

Collette said...

Add C-O-L-L-E-T-T-E as well. I wish that the cast I had at her age came in neat colors!