Monday, June 19, 2006

So a fluke of a late night, a traumatizing fireworks-watching experience, and mere luck led A to sleep something like 5 hours straight last night, giving Dan and I more deep sleep than we've experienced for month. And did my body take advantage of this rare experience by sinking into a much-needed oblivion, or dreaming of kittens and rainbows? Noooo. I had a dream about the guy on the left in this picture. Everyone gets two guesses of who he is; if you get it right, I'll make you a t-shirt.


Anonymous said...

nobody guesses but me...

Anonymous said...

so I go to your site sixty million times a day in order to see if someone guessed it and still...nobody guesses but me...

Anonymous said...

nope, nobody guessed yet...

what is SUPPOSED to be funny here is the whole 2 minutes between postings

Dan said...

I figured it was Aunt Maureen guessing Fabio, because you know they have a thing. :)

Anonymous said... does this site only take 4 comments and then get rid of the first ones? Because the Fabio and Andrew guesses aren't there any more. That is stupid.

Anonymous said...

OH NO It is me who is stupid.

What a surprise.

Dan said...

You all lose, because no one is familiar with Dave Murray of Iron Maiden. No t-shirts for you lazy lurkers!

Anonymous said...

Darn! I thought it was him! What strange dreams you have.